It was a rainy day. I wanted to paint a girl curled up in a chair, reading.....
So I bit off quite a bit, putting in a window and more wall under the window ....
She was this far along after a 3 hour class.....I worked on her a lot. Sought input.
She grew, the chair shrank and straightened up. A plant appeared beside her , shadows were blue violet.
I collaged papers above her and under the window. I worked on her face, hands and feet (only one foot shows!). I took her back to class for more input.
It was decided that red/ coral is the dominate color, that blue violet and orange were fighting for second place, followed by green then more orange less blue violet! Also more light around her as the center of interest...
So that is better...time to move on...the next painting will be a blond outside on a hillside by a small lake.
She is almost done now...awaiting final tweaks!